Sunday, June 22, 2008

Packing light on the commute

I tend to commute to work on the bus. Partly due to gas and parking prices, mostly because work pays for a bus pass. Because of this I have to be mindful of what I take. Being raised a Boy Scout makes me want to take everything, being a weaking forces me to keep it down to something reasonable. Which makes me glad I am living in the electronic/information age.

I use to carry a CD player and a case of CDs, now I carry 50 times that amount of songs in my mp3 player. I use to carry a book to read, now I carry a small library in my Kindle. I use to carry a big personal orginizer, now I carry a small computer (though I could do the same with just a PDA.) All of this weighs less then what they replaced and gives me more capacity to do things.

Just point me to the nearest wall socket please, all the batteries are out.

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