Friday, December 5, 2008

Atheist display at Olympia

This morning I learned of the Atheist display in the capital building. It was next to the nativity scene. Personally, I am more surprised about the nativity scene, but since it is there, let there be more holiday displays next to it from every belief and non-belief.

Gregoire herself doesn't agree with the display (the Atheist one) but says that it has a legal right to be there. And I have to agree. It has a right to be there, I just wish the message was more positive and less of an attack on those of faith. I understand that for some Atheists any religious display is offencive, but you can still meet them halfway and still stand for your non-belief.

Next year I think I will see what my local Atheist group can do as a display that is more positive (this guy was from out of state, he should have at least worked with a local group).

Update: The sign has been stolen.

Now that is rude and make me cheer on the person who put the sign there in the first place.

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